Friday, December 31, 2010

What they think of me part 2

My kakak, ♥
Shes so cool liddat,
Baik gila dia ni, and kadang kadang gila jugak, :P
Nak jumpa next year kaaaay? :D"
-this is from Abbas, yes i am crazy sometimes. haha
kayy, one day we will meet. insyaAllah :)

What they think of me part 1

Have you played this? "Inbox me any number between 1 and 9000 - I'll make the number as a code to write a thing that I like about you in my status. The fun thing is, only you and me know what your number is :)"
"379: sy kenal awk time kat high school dulu haha, percaya atau x, sy pernah jatuh hati kat awk haha skang da xla jgn risau, awk seorg yg baik dan manis orgnye plus pandai dalam akademik haha, be true to urself becoz ur amazing just the way u r,, peace out"
-hey, you're so cool to tell me the truth.
anyway, thank you okay. i'll take this as compliment.
all the best in everything you do, ex senior :)

R's :)