Saturday, October 19, 2013

Chiffon Palazzo Pants

Assalamualaikum & hi my dear friends! I'm helping out my sister's little business here.

If interested or nak tanya apa apa whatsapp at 0123245339
TQ! xx

Chiffon Palazzo Pants With Inner Lining. Code: 01 
Measurement : Length: 102cm Waist: 60-100 cm Hip: Up To 140cm  
Material : Chiffon With Inner Lining 
Price : RM45 

Chiffon Palazzo Pants With Inner Lining. Code: 02
Measurement : Length: 102cm Waist: 60-100cm Hip: Up To 140cm  
Material : Chiffon With Inner Lining 
Price : RM45 

Chiffon Palazzo Pants With Inner Lining. Code: 03
Measurement : Length: 102cm Waist: 60-100cm Hip: Up To 140cm  
Material : Chiffon With Inner Lining 
Price : RM45 

Monday, August 5, 2013

She Was Mine- Aj Rafael.

This song is so cute. love love love. But at the end, it has a 'sad ending'. tsk :(


So I hopped on a train,
Three in the afternoon,
I don't know when I'm coming back,
But I hope that its soon,
See I never thought (never thought)
that I'd have to leave your side.

Its only physically,
But know that you will be on my mind,
Twenty four hours at a time,
'Cause in my eyes you were mine (you were mine).

No matter where you go,
I won't be very far,
'Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are,
'Cause love has no distance baby,
Love, love has no distance baby,
No, not when it comes to you and me.

See she wrote me a letter,
Said the weather wasn't better,
But she said that she was doing fine,
I wanna see you face to face,
That's what she wrote to me that day,
And I knew that it was all a sign.

So I wrote back with this song,
Promise it won't be too long,
Wanna make up for all our lost time,
'Cause in my eyes you were mine (you were mine).

No matter where you go,
I won't be very far,
'Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are,
'Cause love has no distance baby,
Love, love has no distance baby,
No, not when it comes to you and me.

So I'm lookin through these boxes.
My life's gone off track.
'Cause its been three years.
She hasn't written back.
But in my eyes.
She's still mine.

And I know it sounds so stupid,
To be waiting this long,
But I'm still in love and I know I'm not wrong,
'Cause in my eyes,
She was mine.

No matter where you go,
I won't be very far,
'Cause in my head I'll be right there where you are,
'Cause love has no distance baby,
Love, love has no distance baby,
No, not when it comes to you and me.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Fakta anak ke-2?

Found this somewhere on facebook, to all 2nd children, is that you? aha.


untuk ank ke-2 sila bace ni
sebab apa-apa pun mesti dia akan diutamakan oleh ibu. ^^
Anak kedua dikatakan lebih
degil, keras kepala dan tidak mendengar kata. semua dia aje yg betul.dlm ramai-ramai adik beradik dia aje yg KETEGAQ.kemahuan dia
kuat.kalau buat sesuatu sungguh-sungguh.kalau tak nak tu, tak nak lah
jawabnya, boleh dipujuk tapi
selalunya tak berapa jalan.
memang anak no 2 ni dia tak
pandai pujuk makwe or pakwe dia. (ciannn)
dia kalau bercinta, sangat setia.sanggup berkorban. 
Apa yg dikatakan semua dipegang.kalau
hitam, hitam lah kalau putih, putih lah.degil tak boleh toleransi.
Anak no 2 ni juga nampak aje hati dia lembut.SATU lagi pe'el dia.dia tak boleh ditegur.
Very independent.memang kalau terlebih
independent pun payah.mudah bergaul.very take care.
Anak no 2 ni juga dia payah nk terima arahan.dia lebih suka buat hal sendiri pendek kata tak boleh kerja ngan orang.
tidak dinafikan anak no 2 ni pun
pemaaf dan caring.TAPI awas jangan bagi diorang marah kalau diorang marah faham saje lah.
Nak semua up to date.semua nak kemas.

Sources: Facebook

Something to be learnt

Story to be shared. Dear husbands in this world, please do appreciate 
"the love of your life"


Bila SUAMI balik rumah.... Dia jadi heran giler halaman umah berselerak, surat kat peti pos tak berambil, anak-anak tengah main korek-korek tanah kotor, baju compang-camping, penuh dengan tanah dan kotoran, rambut tak bersikat, tak bermandi.. Masuk ke pintu rumah lagi lelaki tu terkejut.

waaa... mana isteri ku...

Ruang tamu lagi teruk berselerak. Lelaki tu melaung nama isterinya.. Sepi tiada jawapan. Masuk ke dapur, sinki penuh dengan pinggan mangkuk tak berbasuh, periuk tak bercuci, mencari apa yang boleh dimakan tetapi tiada makanan yang dimasak. Masuk ke bilik air, baju belum berbasuh apatah lagi berendam. Lelaki itu cemas mencari isterinya. Dia bergegas ke tingkat atas melihat isterinya terbaring di atas katil sedang membaca buku.

fuuu.. lega..

“Awak sakit ke?” tanya lelaki itu. “Tak lah”, jawab isterinya ringkas. “Kenapa teruk sangat rumah kita hari ni?” Tanya si suami lagi sambil meletakkan tangan di dahi isterinya, kot-kot isterinya demam.“Wahai suamiku, semalam semasa kita bertengkar, abg mengatakan yang saya ini hanyalah suri rumah, duduk di rumah tak sepenat diri abg yang duduk di pejabat, dan abg sering menanyakan apa kerja yang saya lakukan di rumah yang menyebabkan saya merungut kepenatan kadang-kadang..

lelaki tu pun berfikir...

Kalau madam takde kat umah, alangkah tenteramnya hidup ini. Boleh buat ape yang kita suka. Boleh belengkar kat depan TV tanpa sebarang gangguan mental dan fizkal. Pendek kata, FreeDoMmmmmlah!! But hairan bin ajaib, when dia betul-betul pergi meaning “She’s Gone”’ aku plak trasa separuh mati. Sehari dua memanglah shiokkk, no one shouting from the kitchen for help, no ne to komen this and that, no one to criticize. Everything will be smooth…

hahaha... takde yg nak marah ku...

Tp masuk hari ketige, I felt something missing. Lebih-lebih lagi bila tuala mandi dah berbau ‘asshemmmm’, tak tau la mana nak cari yang baru. Colgate da nak abis, tak tau kat mana dia stock up. Air suam da habis, malas nk boil… Masuk hari keempat, rindu mula terasa...

Apabila rindu mencengkam, semuanya jadi tak tentu arah. Tengok TV citer best pon jadi tak best. Nasik bungkus feberite jadik tak feberite. Makan kat 5 star hotel jadik rasa macam makan kat kedai AA. Lebih-lebih lagi bila laundry basket da makin bertimbun ngan baju kotor. Toilet dah mula licin berdaki.. Lantai dah berbelak, tak dimop.. Every nite, very the lonely, baring atas katil nengok ceiling blindly.. bila lonely gini, baru lah rasa benar kesepian.

Jangan kata sebulan atau setahun, belum seminggu isteri takde kat umah, aku dah rasa separuh pengsan. Masa ni barulah sedar netapa pentingnya seorang wanita bernama isteri… So guys out there.. jgn buli isteri kite. Kalau boleh, tolong dia buat kerja rumah. Bukan dok depan TV every weekend baca paper. Apa ingat dia tu kuli ker?! Maid ker?!! Kan dia tu bini kita, best fren kita, sweetheart kita.. Ingat duit hantaran yang kita kasik dia masa nikah dulu cukup ker nak bayar gaji dia ..................................................................seumur hidup ???

ingat balik..

And furthermore, kan sama2 kerja carik rezeki, sama jugak lah buat kerja rumah. Kadang2 bila poket kita sesak, tak ingat ker dialah orang yang paling dekat terdekat kita nak kenyeng-kenyeng duit. Tak kesian ker nengok bini kita? Dah la satu hari keja kat office, balik pulak kena buat kerja rumah lagi… penat tau! Kalaulah aku diberi peluang jadik seorang wanita,… tak rela!!! So to all mums and wives out there, live will be meaningless without You mothers. Uwaaaaaaa!!



Dari ilham seorang lelaki.. “ Wanita adalah insan istimewa, biarkan mereka terus membebel, merengek atau mengilai seperti Pontianak. Seburukburuk perangai wanita, ia akan terus melekat di hati kita selagi hayat di kandung badan”

sile share slpas mmbace agar lelaki tahu mghargai wanita ?

sources: Facebook

My name is Islam

I wanna share this to everyone. Something that amazed me, Her words is so beautiful, Masya-Allah.

Let me, introduce myself.
My name, is Islam.
The root word of peace- salam,
Or even salema- meaning submission.
Which to a Muslim, is like his tuition.
It's his ticket in,
But before I begin,
Let me greet you, like I'm supposed to do,
So Assalamu alaikum, may peace be upon you!
You know? It's kinda' funny...
I'm accused of oppressing, when really I'm oppressed.
I've become on the list of things to detest.
I'm screamed in rage, in almost every protest,
& I've become the "red scare", a "threat to the west".
You see?
If you look at me, and all my obligations,
You'll see why I have such a great population,
It's cause there's the motivation,
And that sense of inspiration,
That keeps "Muslim" as their occupation.
To me, being a good Muslim means being a good person.
'cause I'll never ask you to kill or to slay,
Or to lie at least 5 times a day.
I'll never ask you steal, or to hate,
Or to swear or discriminate.
I actually tell you to smile to everyone you see, 
Cause a smile's the best form of charity.
I tell you to not smoke and not to drink,
To stay clean and take showers so you simply don't stink.
I tell you to care for animals and treat them with care, 
So yes, I'm against animal testing & abuse in case you weren't aware.
I tell you to treat those who treat you bitter...better. 
I tell you not to be mad at someone for more than 3 days, 
I tell you to respect women and lower your gaze. 
I tell you that paradise lies under the feet of your mother,
I tell you to passionately love your significant other.
I tell you to never mistreat your wife! 
I mean...if I tell you to care for animals, then what about the love of your life?
I tell you to be precious, and save yourself for the "one". 
So you don't keep giving yourself away...till you're literally done. 
I tell you to be moderate and that balance is key, 
Just in the middle is the perfect place to be. 
I tell you to excel in all that you do, 
From that essay to that slam-dunk too! 
I tell you to clear your ignorance and to never judge,
To love for your bro what you love for yourself; & to never hold a grudge. 
I tell you how to be a good person. A person of peace, and a person of love.
They say I'm a terrorist,
An extremist.
And you know what? I am.
I am a terrorist; I terrorize terror,
I kill injustice to make this world fairer.
I am an extremist; I am extremely kind.
So beware of my extreme benevolence, to all of mankind.
Yes, there are those who kill and bomb in my name, 
But if I don't approve, then why am I to be blamed?
In every religion, you'll find those who abuse it,
Thinking they have a permit, 
To do wrong. 
A religion maybe perfect, but the followers may not be. 
So when mine commit mistakes, don't blame it on me. 
I give what I got, and what I got is good.
So if they do otherwise...they misunderstood. 
& I'm not here to preach, I'm only here to teach. 
I'm a professor in politics, economy and sociology. 
In manners and etiquette, I got my PHD. 
To all my teachings, I have two sources. 
The book of God, and the words of the prophet are my resources.
I teach for free and to whoever desires to learn, 
It's all for the sake of Allah, I ask for nothing in return. 
& Listen, 
I'm not here to convert, but just to clear misconceptions.
With the way I'm viewed and my common perception. 
Because yes, it hurts when I'm literally abused, 
By some, who do it for pleasure, just to be amused.
& By some, who just follow the "trend" cause they're clearly confused. 
In a nutshell, my name is Islam, 
And everything I do, goes back to Salam..peace.
& so as your prof, I need to make sure you pass this test called Life.

Sources: Google, Youtube.

Asasi sains & Farmasi UiTM

*click photo if you want to see ;)

Alhamdulillah Ya Allah. In this Holy month, Ramadhan 2013, Allah gives me this rezq :') Honestly, you can see how miserable i am by the time i was in the process of filling up UPU few months ago. (previous post) I didn't expect i can actually receive this big opportunity to further in this course because i know, it is not easy. I keep on searching for any back up courses and all, but you know what, Allah knows best :') But... i am so scared to be honest. i'm afraid, i couldn't survive in this course :( yknow, this course is tough. Everyone knows this is one of 'critical courses' i'm overrrrthinking way too muchh! i'm an ordinary student, i'm not that clever/genius that can perform well in every examinations, i have to work hard in order to achieve something... Then i realized, i didn't yet start my study, how can i know i couldn't survive right? All i have to do is work hard, study smart! i know, i'm a lazy person most of the times hahah but i have to change my attitude when i'm becoming a degree student for God's sake, yup. Degree! i just can't believe i'm going to be a degree student, :( i'm not ready of course. hmmm but i have to face everything.and anyway, ill be coming the student of UiTM Puncak Alam once again, kind of bored actually hahah but one thing i can be too sure is, i'll cry!!! i can imagine how sad i am when im going back there. There's none of my classmates/housemates again this time :'( everywhere i go must remind me of them & asasi. Ya Allah, sedihnyaaa :( wuwuwu. I have to be strong. I'm studying because of Allah. InsyaAllah Allah is always by my side, seek help from HIM dear self. Grant me your help ya Allah, give me strengths & bless me in everything i do :') Aminnn.

and oh my cgpa from asasi result was 3.89 and mostly yg dapat pharmacy pun 4.00

Friday, April 12, 2013


Wait, i wonder what is the purpose of me signing up this blogspot? hahah im asking myself as i'd never be an active blogger. Maybe because i am not good in writing? yeah maybe. I'd prefer talking tho. Really? hahaha. Maybe. Sometimes, with people i love to be around. heee

now lets just proceed to another story. FUTURE. hm yea, i know not only me of course who keep on wondering how my future looks alike. i know its beyond our control to actually think what we gonna be in the future. Only HE knows everything. We just have to keep on make duas that everything in the future turns out well, insyaAllah.. hm what makes me feel this way its because yea i'm in the process of filling up the UPU. Again. Second time after approximately a year ago. i am really in dilemma right now. i know, its totally hard to further in pharmacy course but i just put it in a first choice as who knows its my rezeki right? But i have to make a back up plan! After so many research i've done regarding on my future, my heart suddenly fell in love with Dietetik course. what the hell is that? Pardon me, i know people who rarely heard of this course will automatically ask me that. Literally its Dietition or actually more or less its same as Nutritionist. i thought it is not that hard to be the student of this course, i mean, not as hard as pharmacy dentistry and what not. But sadly, it just as tough as courses i mentioned earlier. i email-ed this one senior which i dont really know who is she because i just found her blog talking about this course. At first i was just okay, my heart already attached to this course until she said the CGPA requirement is more or less 3.75! okay.... my heart breaks into pieces seriously :'( Can i make it? i don't think so, but hm i have to keep on dua.. maybe it isn't my jodoh with this course or maybe i still have chance? Only HE knows everything and i know HE already planned everything for me :') What will i receive, i know its the best for me. Have faith fizza. i have always remind myself with this sentence "Mungkin tak semua benda yg kita rasa baik untuk diri kita itu adalah terbaik, DIA ada sesuatu yang lebih baik" InsyaAllah :') 

Its 4.00 am now, and i have to sleep! like seriously i became a nocturnal AGAIN. fuuuuhh. it isn't good, i know. but there's nothing much i can do uhuk. till then, Assalamualaikum.